Maximilian Mustermann
Name: Maximilian "Max" Mustermann
Age: 29
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Height: 5'2Class: Beauty- though no runway model, Max's natural sense of charm and swagger make him stand out from the crowd and stick around in your memories, for better or for worse. A truly unforgettable man.
Chosen Class Traits: Hidden Talents Option 2 (20 HP, 1 Trait: JOCK- Additional 3 Points to STR/DEX
STR: 0
DEX: 0 [+3]
INT: 1
SOC: 2 [+3]
Views: Max believes in cryptids, aliens, the like... for the fun of it. He doesn't take a ton of it super seriously, but he also doesn't not believe in it all- he's mostly in it because these things look cool and it's fun to imagine they might be real.

Personality: Max is a smooth talking charmer, the kind of guy who's quick to insert himself into any social group and make himself at home. While nothing particularly special in terms of hobbies, interests, or talents, he makes up for it in enthusiasm and swagger, an extrovert to the end looking to please as many people around him as he can. The party truly doesn't start until he walks in.However, despite his undeniable social sway, he is victim to little dog syndrome, both literally and metaphorically. He can be hot-headed and overconfident in his own abilities, and tends to pick fights that he has no chance of winning, relying on his charisma to get him out of trouble when he bites off more than he can chew.
Maximilian Mustermann hails from the Bronx in New York City, growing up as the middle child of a family of five in a quaint little brownstone in historic Mott Haven. His life was pretty unhistorical growing up- he was popular in school, he got decent grades, and nothing particularly difficult or traumatic ended up fundamentally changing him as a person or anything of the like.
At least, that's what he tells everyone.
In fact, his interest in demonic cryptids was not started while lost in the woods or walking home late at night, but a visit to a local library when he was fifteen where, bored out of his mind, he picked up a random book- specifically, a book on Demons of North American Folklore. He was hooked immediately, and quickly found himself diving headfirst into a world of myth and monsters. Sure, urban New York might not hold too many beasts beyond the imagination- but right next door, New Jersey had its devil, and the Appalachians held countless creatures that science had yet to explain. It quickly became one of his biggest interests- if there was a book he'd own it, if it was on a poster he'd buy it, if it was on a shirt he'd wear it with great pride. This fascination carried on into his adult life, even as he came into his own as a fully functional adult in society.
But not all is as it seems.
Of course as soon as he heard of Freak Fest, he knew he had to go. It was too perfect- a room full of other people obsessed with the same stuff he was? Sign him up! Sounds like a party! In fact, he got his badge the day badges started being sold- no way was he missing this!
Perhaps someone just needs to pull the mask off, reveal his true identity.